Finally, a good use for Jello: Homemade Jello Playdough

I finally finished Bl’s (22 mo) apron Wednesday, so I was hoping for an excuse to use it.  (I’ll try to get the post up with “directions” . Someday…) After Bl brought me the third empty playdough container to open in a vain attempt to find some to play with, I realized we had a perfect excuse. When Bl grabbed his apron & brought it over to me, I realized my time was at hand. :)

I remembered running across a playdough recipe that used Jello & thinking “Oh, great, that would give me something to finally do with that Jello I bought on sale other than just figure out different places to store it….”

Continue reading “Finally, a good use for Jello: Homemade Jello Playdough”

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Of Bottles, Balloons, & Sunny Afternoons: fun with science

My kids had a case of the grumps the other day.  They needed a serious redirection.

I sucked Br (4 y/o) in with “Want to help me with a science experiment?”, & Bl (20 mo) was sucked in by the sight of a funnel and the possibility we might be heading outside shortly…

Luckily, as with all good on-the-fly activities, most of us probably have these materials on hand. Continue reading “Of Bottles, Balloons, & Sunny Afternoons: fun with science”

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Cutting Melons- a summer memorial

Today was the first day where it actually felt like summer might end… bit overcast, occasional drizzle.  Even though I am way behind in other posts that might be more exciting, it seemed fitting to highlight “summer’s bounty” in a post today. {whimsical sigh}

We had two small melons.  Melons generally have two opposing destinies in our house: either being cut up immediately for yummy snacks, or being “neglected” in to a squishy how-can-I-get-this-out-of-the-house-with-out-it-dripping-rotten-fruit-guts walk of shame.

Luckily, even though we’d bought them a week or so before (which is heading into the territory of the second option), I was fresh off of writing my Montessori-in’ Up post & decided to use them as fine-motor skill practice!  And eating… we had caught them in time to save them from their rotten-fruit-guts destiny. :) Continue reading “Cutting Melons- a summer memorial”

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