Free Books!! About rabbits with swords!!!! And get your own sword!!

Interested in getting a great series for a super awesome price? For a short time, and a willingness to hit a couple sites, you can….

We originally heard about this series from a beloved Podcast you’ll hear more about when I eventually finish my series on “Audio Education“, The Read Aloud Revival.

After hearing the book praised a few other places as well, and many comparisons to the much loved Chronicles of Narnia, I added it to my “To Be Read” list for the kids.  Continue reading “Free Books!! About rabbits with swords!!!! And get your own sword!!”

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  • This post was singularly original...wander at will!

Did you know it was Shakespeare week, too?!?

I don’t know about you guys, but we’ve had a lot to do this week. We already have a 1/2 eaten apple pie & two partially made pumpkin pies for Pi Day & Einstein’s birthday on the 14th, we had to “ask Google” (while driving – the wonder of modern technology!) why Julius Caesar was assassinated (History is NOT my strong-point) for the Ides of March (15th). And let’s not even get into the whole St.-Patrick’s-Day-is -a-family-holiday I married into….

By the way, Google did not have a good answer on the killing of Caesar, but I did still manage to teach my children the phrase “Et tu, Brute?”  Little did I realize how prophetic this was, because that phrase is famous because of its inclusion in Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, and I just found out today it is ALSO Shakespeare Week!

Et tu, Shakespeare?!? Continue reading “Did you know it was Shakespeare week, too?!?”

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  • This post was singularly original...wander at will!

Need some free educational plans for this President’s Day weekend? Here you go!

Prsday 2016 blog headerAm I the only one revved up for some educational fun this weekend?  Celebrating Presidents Lincoln & Washington’s birthday, Backyard Bird Count, and for you local Northern California folk, UC Davis Biodiversity Museum Day!!  I admit I may be even more excited about some of this then my children….Now, on to the links so you can get revved too!

Continue reading “Need some free educational plans for this President’s Day weekend? Here you go!”

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  • This post was singularly original...wander at will!