Cutting Melons- a summer memorial

Today was the first day where it actually felt like summer might end… bit overcast, occasional drizzle.  Even though I am way behind in other posts that might be more exciting, it seemed fitting to highlight “summer’s bounty” in a post today. {whimsical sigh}

We had two small melons.  Melons generally have two opposing destinies in our house: either being cut up immediately for yummy snacks, or being “neglected” in to a squishy how-can-I-get-this-out-of-the-house-with-out-it-dripping-rotten-fruit-guts walk of shame.

Luckily, even though we’d bought them a week or so before (which is heading into the territory of the second option), I was fresh off of writing my Montessori-in’ Up post & decided to use them as fine-motor skill practice!  And eating… we had caught them in time to save them from their rotten-fruit-guts destiny. :) Continue reading “Cutting Melons- a summer memorial”

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Montessori-in’ up – Part 1

Great to see you!  We have so much to catch up on…

It’s been a crazy month & a half:  Hubby’s birthday, hubby finished his huge summer “assignment”, we ran down for a quick trip to San Diego to visit family, came back just in time for hubby to have one “recovery” day before his single “teacher work day” this year (joy of budget cuts…), had Br’s 4th birthday party, Br had his first day back at preschool & our first opportunity to take part in a Montessori birthday walk.

Then I discovered my little blog had been hacked…Grrrrr. (we’re okay now).


More on all that later….

For now, I have an assignment.  A lovely blogger, Deb Chitwood of, & John Bowman, of the wonderful book Montessori At Home, have asked us to share our ideas on doing Montessori stuff at home for their upcoming ebook Mom Bloggers Talk Montessori: Favorite Ideas and Activities.

We’re definitely still in the “figuring it out” phase (hmm, wonder if I’ll ever make it out of that phase?), but in the last few months we’ve done a few things around the house to “Montessori up” the place. Continue reading “Montessori-in’ up – Part 1”

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S is for “Stilts”

We are actually visiting family in the San Diego area right now (nice, huh?), and I am crazy behind on posting. We’ve continued with our letter activities. As you may have noticed, we aren’t going anywhere close to alphabetical… I’ve let Br (3 3/4) pick what letter he wanted to work on next, usually by having him try to identify the first letter sound of something we are talking about.

The other day, we did “Letter S” for our letter of the day. Br found his phonics cards for the letter “S”, and watched the requisite related YouTube videos (“Letter S” songs and Snowplows, this time :) ).  Then we did our “memorable event”: this time, a craft that doubles as a cool gross motor activity.  And it’s cheap, quick, & Br LOVED it. (Yeah, the kid craft trifecta!)  Drum roll, please….. Continue reading “S is for “Stilts””

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  • This post was singularly original...wander at will!