Christmas decorating, practical life style

I’d been mulling this idea for a while, as I noticed Br (4 y/o) is pretty hopeless with buttons.  I finally got my tookus in gear and got it finished Monday.

"Christmas Tree", ready to decorate
“Christmas Tree”, ready to decorate

I realized as I watched Br working on it later, it also works on one- to -one correspondence, color discrimination, and is a pretty great fine-motor activity too.  Pretty good for some recycled felt and a grab bag of random buttons (which, incidentally, was a great sorting activity)! Continue reading “Christmas decorating, practical life style”

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  • This post was singularly original...wander at will!

$1.76 fine motor activity, and “The News”

As I am sure you have all been waiting on tenterhooks (any one actually know what those are?), I shall finally reveal “the news” I referred to a while back, & reasonably justify my blog-neglect.

But for those of you who are all about business, I will first show my super cheap & easy fine motor activity.  (By the way, I am estimating on the $1.76.  Most of us probably have all but the first material on hand already.) Continue reading “$1.76 fine motor activity, and “The News””

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  • This post was singularly original...wander at will!

Of Bottles, Balloons, & Sunny Afternoons: fun with science

My kids had a case of the grumps the other day.  They needed a serious redirection.

I sucked Br (4 y/o) in with “Want to help me with a science experiment?”, & Bl (20 mo) was sucked in by the sight of a funnel and the possibility we might be heading outside shortly…

Luckily, as with all good on-the-fly activities, most of us probably have these materials on hand. Continue reading “Of Bottles, Balloons, & Sunny Afternoons: fun with science”

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  • This post was singularly original...wander at will!