I think about you guys often. I even come to visit some time. Admittedly, a few of those times because I can’t remember where I had put the Jello play-dough recipe….
A lot has happened since last we talked.
Like a whole person.
And what a person she is!
We’ve still been hard at work. I’ve taken pictures of activities over these ensuing years, with the grand plan of resurrecting this blog. In time, maybe I will be able to fill in some of the blank time between where we are now and where we left off when last we spoke.
The sweet baby cheeks have thinned out; the limbs and vocabularies have grown.
But the reasons I started this are still here. And I have treasured the glimpses these words and images give to places we’ve been and the thoughts we had. Because time fades so many of the lovely details that makes a life real.
So, let this be are grand reintroduction, or first introduction for those of you that are new here.
We hope you are as glad to see us as we are to be back.