Maybe I am the only one living under a box, but for any other cardboard condo residents, I thought I would write a quick post on the “new” search engine designed for kids: Kiddle.
Continue reading “Kiddle- A new safer search?”
one mommy's journey to build better little boy (& girl!) brains
Have kids and Internet access? There’s a new search engine advertised as being “for kids”. But is the controvery around Kiddle something you should be worried about?
Maybe I am the only one living under a box, but for any other cardboard condo residents, I thought I would write a quick post on the “new” search engine designed for kids: Kiddle.
Continue reading “Kiddle- A new safer search?”
I was out the other day and had to fill out some paperwork. The only writing implements I had available were crayons or watercolors.
True Story.
While our dry, sunny autumn weather this year, preceded by a very dry summer, has been horrible for most plants, it has resulted in some fabulous leaf colors in the last few weeks. So I decided to drag my kids outside and make us enjoy them!
I’d recently listened to a podcast from Read-Aloud Revival** and the guest, Cindy Rollins, made a point that really stuck with me. The version in my head of her point is: when we start feeling guilty about whatever we aren’t doing with our children that we think we should, stop. Go and do that thing with your kids. Don’t go to the computer and make a lesson plan and research extension activities, just do “it”.
It reminds me of advice a work mentor once gave me:
Don’t let the perfect get in the way of the good.
Sometimes I wonder if it is an ingrained bias, as I am a fall baby myself. Pumpkin pie spices, egg nog- like mother’s milk to me (and cheesecake, but that is another story).
Our dry, sunny autumn weather this year has resulted in some fabulous leaf colors in the last few weeks. But I just hadn’t taken the time yet this season to actually go out and enjoy it.
With the above words ringing in my head, I decided to drag my kids outside and make us enjoy them together! Continue reading “Here we come a’gathering…*”