Free Books!! About rabbits with swords!!!! And get your own sword!!

Interested in getting a great series for a super awesome price? For a short time, and a willingness to hit a couple sites, you can….

We originally heard about this series from a beloved Podcast you’ll hear more about when I eventually finish my series on “Audio Education“, The Read Aloud Revival.

After hearing the book praised a few other places as well, and many comparisons to the much loved Chronicles of Narnia, I added it to my “To Be Read” list for the kids.  Continue reading “Free Books!! About rabbits with swords!!!! And get your own sword!!”

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Did you know it was Shakespeare week, too?!?

I don’t know about you guys, but we’ve had a lot to do this week. We already have a 1/2 eaten apple pie & two partially made pumpkin pies for Pi Day & Einstein’s birthday on the 14th, we had to “ask Google” (while driving – the wonder of modern technology!) why Julius Caesar was assassinated (History is NOT my strong-point) for the Ides of March (15th). And let’s not even get into the whole St.-Patrick’s-Day-is -a-family-holiday I married into….

By the way, Google did not have a good answer on the killing of Caesar, but I did still manage to teach my children the phrase “Et tu, Brute?”  Little did I realize how prophetic this was, because that phrase is famous because of its inclusion in Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, and I just found out today it is ALSO Shakespeare Week!

Et tu, Shakespeare?!? Continue reading “Did you know it was Shakespeare week, too?!?”

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M is for “Mache”

We’ve been working a bit with Br( 3 3/4) on letter sounds on a very casual level, but I decided we needed to get a little more serious.  In wondering the blogosphere I’ve found some awesome suggestions by fellow mommy-bloggers HERE  and HERE and HERE, for example, to make it a whole letter smorgasbord!  One of the general ideas I found most appealing was creating a “memorable event” related to the letter.

The process has been more sporadic, and not as organized or as thorough as I hoped. Br mostly associates our “letter of the day” with getting to watch YouTube videos, which I can’t say was my hope.  :)

I let Br choose our “letter of the day”.  We’ve started with finding the respective letter card in 2 different sets of phonics cards we got at the dollar store or garage sale (with a picture of the letter & various pictures of things that start with that letter) and putting them up on our easel.  Then Br suckered me into asked to watch some videos- “Letter” songs, machines (though I require he come up with a machine that starts with the letter of the day for this to happen- that’s motivation for ya!)

It took us a couple days before we managed to do our “activity”.  I’d seen this idea for a Fabric Mâché bowl over at Red Ted Art.  Ours didn’t come out quite as cute as Red Ted’s, but it was still a memorable hands-on activity for the Letter M! Continue reading “M is for “Mache””

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  • This post was singularly original...wander at will!