If you haven’t already discovered the joy of podcasts with your children, I highly recommend you change that. If you need some ideas, you can look at my first post on “Audio Education” for some of our favorites.
For those of you that share in my joy of more peaceful car rides in our post-podcast world(at least once they have agreed upon what to listen to), hopefully you know about Brains ON! It is definitely one of the most vociferously requested ones (especially by our very loud girl).
They also have a Kickstarter campaign that I should have mentioned earlier….their’s ends crazy early on St. Patrick’s day (3/17, for you less-Irish types
). They have some fun “rewards” for contributing at a little higher amounts, and even for only a few bucks you can have the warm-fuzzy of giving for an educational good like free good science content for kiddos!
Here is the link for their Kickstarter campaign:
For those of you looking for a nice classic book to read AND/OR listen to, Amazon is currently offering the Kindle version AND the Audiobook (Audible version) of Black Beauty
FREE!!! (this is an affiliate link, but it is still free). Like most girls, I went though a “horse phase” and this is certainly a well-loved classic in the genre. There are definitely some more emotionally challenging parts in the book, so I will probably wait to actually share it with my littles until they are a bit older. But it is easy to access in your Amazon account down the road when I think they are ready!
Amazon prices change quickly, so no idea how long this deal will be available. Make sure you check the box “Add Audible narration to your purchase for just $0.00” under the “Buy now with 1-Click” button before you purchase. You do not need to be an Audible subscriber to buy the Audible content (audiobook version).
I still need to finish my post on using the “Whisper-Sync” Kindle books for more “Audio Education”, but feel free to leave a question in the comments if you have any trouble.
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- This post was singularly original...wander at will!