Cutting Melons- a summer memorial

Today was the first day where it actually felt like summer might end… bit overcast, occasional drizzle.  Even though I am way behind in other posts that might be more exciting, it seemed fitting to highlight “summer’s bounty” in a post today. {whimsical sigh}

We had two small melons.  Melons generally have two opposing destinies in our house: either being cut up immediately for yummy snacks, or being “neglected” in to a squishy how-can-I-get-this-out-of-the-house-with-out-it-dripping-rotten-fruit-guts walk of shame.

Luckily, even though we’d bought them a week or so before (which is heading into the territory of the second option), I was fresh off of writing my Montessori-in’ Up post & decided to use them as fine-motor skill practice!  And eating… we had caught them in time to save them from their rotten-fruit-guts destiny. :) Continue reading “Cutting Melons- a summer memorial”

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Fishing for matches

I’ve mentioned before we are taking part in the “Smart Summer Challenge”- a challenge by some awesome blogger mommies to make an impact on your child’s learning, even in little ways, this summer. The theme for this week was “Water Fun”, so it seemed a good time to write about this activity Br did a little while ago…

We have this great Melissa & Doug magnetic fishing game, although Br (46 mo) often uses the fishing pole with other stuff.  At a garage sale the other day, we found an older version of the same game.  I figured getting the “spare one” would be a handy way to minimize jealousy issues, as then Bl (16 mo) could have one too.  Turned out Br monopolized both of them the other day, but as it turned out to be a good learning exercise, I’ll let it pass this time.  :) Continue reading “Fishing for matches”

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A day of toddler fun- little bit of everything

We’ve had some pretty busy days here, so I am way behind in posting.  Here are some quick ideas for toddler activities I tried the other day with Bl (16 mo): Continue reading “A day of toddler fun- little bit of everything”

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